On the Death of Jesus Christ

In the New Testament of St. mark in Chapter 16, from verse 9 though 18, Mark tells us that Jesus appeared to several people after his death. Then, in verse 19, Mark says that Jesus rose to heaven and sat on the right hand of God.
Mark's words from verse 9 through 20 must be rejected or interpreted correctly. To interpret these verses correctly, I suggest that one must consider the scientific work of Galileo on the extension of bodies. Galileo says that all bodies found in a created universe have an infinite number of parts. He says that each of these parts are indivisible. In my own scientific work, I say that all indivisible things are related functionally to every other indivisible things in a body. These functional relations make every body a 'whole.' But the wholeness of bodies can develop dis harmonies. For instance, when I recently had a cap put onto a tooth, another tooth became affected.
So when a person dies, only one indivisible thing, which is called the soul, rises toward God. This soul rises immediately and becomes an angel instantly. (Note. I am still working on the nature of these angels because some angels seem to receive a new body immediately whereas other angels are delayed.) All other indivisible parts of the dead body rise slowly toward God. The parts of a dead body will rise very slowly if the coffin is sealed.
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