Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, January 26, 2013

136.The First Teacher of the USA Was Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin talked to his grandson on March 9, 1790 and April 8, 1790.  In these days, it is clear that Ben expected to die soon and did die on April 17, 1790. But on the March 9th day, Ben told very important messages to his grandson and Ezra Stiles  These messages are presented below:
Restates to Ezra Stiles his lifelong religious creed: a belief in one God, the Creator, who is best served by 'doing good to his other Children'; immorality of the human soul, to be 'treated with Justice in another Life respecting its Conduct in this'; Jesus' system of morals and his religion, as he left them,; the best the world ever saw or is likely to see,' though since somewhat corrupted; some doubts as to the divinity of Jesus, ; tho' it is a Question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and think it needless to busy myself with it now, when I expect soon an Opportunity of knowing the Truth with less Trouble.'
These words above prove that Ben went to the Royal Society of Science in Germany in 1766 and to the Academy of Science in France in 1772 and learned the New System (monadology) of Gottfried Leibniz and the Two New Systems of Galileo.  The systems of Leibniz and Galileo would have rejected the mechanical sciences of the world, as proposed by John Locke and Isaac Newton.

In my research, I pursue and distinguish teachers from students.  For example, I found that Jesus was a teacher of many students. All of Jesus' disciples were thus students.  The evidence of Ben Franklin above says that Ben was also a teacher, who had many students. So, I say that Ben Franklin was the only real Founder of the USA.  All other founders of the USA were students of Ben.  Ben and his students made the Declaration of Independence (DOI). Ben corrected the DOI for Thomas Jefferson. I assume that Ben also participated in making the Constitution.


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