Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

168. The Leaders of Nations Must Perfect Their Symbols

After learning how to write, Little Gods had to build nations.  National languages also had to be developed. In all nations, national languages are based on symbols and their meanings. Since symbols are never perfect, they can only become more precise.

Ass time passed, many symbols and their meanings had to be assembled in 'dictionaries.' The earliest dictionary was written in Latin during the reign of Augustus, who was the first ruler of the Roman Empire. But the Chinese also made a dictionary in the 3rd century B.C.

The first English dictionary of symbols appeared in 1604. (click). After a hundred years passed,  Gottfried Leibniz would seek a debate with Isaac Newton. Leibniz sought this debate because the meanings of symbols of his German language were different than the English language. This difference was never corrected because nations have many bad habits.

When national languages are used for social talk, errors can be accepted.  But when national languages are used for developing human knowledge and truths, errors cannot be accepted. For years, I have bee telling U.S. politicians and religions leaders that some Little Gods are teaching errors to other Little Gods on the subjects about God and the universe. These politicians and religious leaders cannot act like Isaac Newton, who feared his debate with Leibniz.

The leaders of all nations must open their Little Gods to other Little Gods in different nations. Wars are outdated thoughts.


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