Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, October 12, 2013

299. Alternative Economies

After the American colonists became separated from England, different economies were proposed and tested. After the assassination of President Lincoln and after the American System of Economics was presented by Henry Clay, Economy 101 (click) was installed in the USA with the help of England's Adam Smith's 'Wealth of a Nation.' (click)

Economy 101 is not a natural system that God made. Nor is Economic 101 like the economies that animals make. Thus, Economy 101 is a man-made system that does not work perfectly. So, Economy 101 has brought depressions. These depressions have been adjusted by the Keynesian economy with success by President Roosevelt and Clinton. Recently, the Keynesian economy was installed again with success by President Obama. Since Obama and the GOP are now in major debates on Economy 101, Economy 101 might change.

Alternatives to Economy 101 will be found in nations such as North Korea, Russia, etc. For example, in North Korea, the dictator makes the Korean economy. In Russia, the people make an economy that will develop all Russian minds over matter. And in the USA, political parties make the Economy 101, which develop varying levels of wealth for the people.

I conclude that only Russians will learn and understand God and the universe. Since more wealth in the USA will be found is a small number of people, science and mathematics can't be afforded by many Americans. So I conclude that the USA will become divided. But if Economy 101 changes, the people of the USA might follow the like of Russians.


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