Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, October 04, 2013

292. The U.S. Government Does Not Know Itself

As I proved in my last blog, the U.S. government cannot shutdown itself.  Yet, the GOP is shutting down the government. Today, John Boehner said  that his shutting down of government 'isn't a game."(click)   These  words mean that it is time for the Supreme Court to prove that shutting down the U.S. government or any of its parts can be shutdown only by the States. See the Declaration of Independence, paragraph 2 on 'abolishing.'.


  • At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Jack said…

    Believe it or not Obama shut the government down by not agreeing to change the law like he has. Obama has given exemption to the big corporations and unions but not the people.

    Your agenda has been busted Larouche.

  • At 8:45 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    The Government cannot shutdown itself. All three branches of Government do not know that the Declaration of Independence has laws. Only the States can shutdown all or some of the parts.

    What is my agenda and what did LaRrouche say?


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