Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

291.Criminals Exist In the U.S. Governmnet

Will the U.S. Government shutdown itself?  This action is illegal because only the ' People' can abolish the Government or any part of it. If this action occurs, we can say that 'criminals' exist in Government and were made by U.S. lawyers. These lawyers informed the members of Congress that the Declaration of Independence (DOI) has no laws and that Government, or any part of it, can be abolished by Congress.

Congress cannot abolish the Government, or any part of it, because the Declaration of Independence has five laws.  These five laws define the private sector of the United States of American. The fifth law will be found in the second paragraph and says '... that whatever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these End, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, ...' The word  'People' must be interpreted scientifically as 'one People' because it is in the opening statement of the DOI. The phrase 'one People' means that only the United States can abolish the U.S. Government.

Today, the big question is, 'How did Congress get rights to abolish the U.S. Government and its parts?


  • At 1:58 PM, Anonymous Jack said…

    This happens because the Obama and the government don't have a budget. By law you have to have a budget but that criminal Obama has never submitted a budget since he became president.

  • At 3:21 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Hi Jack,

    When I was in government, the budget came with the law that was made by Congress. When we got the law and its budget, we divided the budget based on the yearly plans. When the law is changed, in order to do more work, the budget would increase by Congress. I don't see why the President makes any budget when the Congress makes all laws and their budgets.

    Congress is the law-making branch of the Government.

    It seems that Congress is not doing its job. Perhaps, Congress changed.


  • At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Jack said…

    The President, in accordance with the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, must submit a budget to Congress each year. In its current form, federal budget legislation law (31 U.S.C. 1105(a)) specifies that the President submit a budget between the first Monday in January and the first Monday in February. In recent times, the President's budget submission, entitled Budget of the U.S. Government, has been issued in the first week of February.

    This is in accordance to your holy grail Wikipedia. Obama is a crook and why are the democrats shutting down the government.

  • At 2:53 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…


    The three branches of Government are functionally related. This means that their functions work together. Thus, the Act of 1921 might be wrong and President is challenging it.

    It seems that 'congressional budgets' and 'agency plans based on budgets' work together. If I am right, the 1921 Act is wrong and Obama is trying to fix it.


  • At 7:06 AM, Anonymous Jack said…

    Now you're a mind reader. is there no length of excuse making you will do to save this poor excuse for a president?

    Maybe Obama is really the Messiah.

  • At 11:28 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…


    No human can be or become God.

    In politics, I am an independent voter and pick the best candidate. Then I vote and help where I can help.

    On Romney vs. Obama, I picked Obama because he would develop more socialism rather than more economics. You voted for Romney, which means that for more economics will come. This is whys you and me differ.

    You are picking the wrong ways of developing the future of the people of God. I see no scientific thoughts in your mind about God and the future.

    You need to study 'The Unity of Law' by Henry C. Carey.


  • At 7:04 AM, Anonymous Jack said…

    Scientists are ruining this country. It's easy to have an hypothesis, then make generalizations to prove your idea. How can there be so many scientists on opposite sides of Global Warming. It's because the scientists, much like you have an agenda. I don't agree with socialism to the point you do. Government is in over their head when it comes to running an economy and Obama is no more than a socialist pimp.

  • At 9:41 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…


    Every human has an agenda because their mind is in motion. My mind is increasing in knowledge. Since you reject socialism, your mind is decreasing in knowledge.

    I accept socialism just like Marx accepted socialism. If you accepts the GOP, you will reject socialism. Do you know that God always knows exactly where you are in space-time, God also knows that your matter is over your mind' and that God wants you to change and make your 'mind over matter.'

    If you study Jesus' teaching at Matt 5:19, you will learn that you will be reborn after you die in a least kingdom of heaven instead of a great kingdom of heaven. Thus, if a person rejects socialism, the mind of that person will decrease in knowledge.



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