Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

366. Religions and Government Must Correct the Use of Logic

If one teaches students about the Old and New Testaments, the teacher must use the index of the Collected Dialogues of Plato by Edith Hamilton and Huntington Cairns. If the index is not used, the students will learn only about deism and theism and will not learn about panentheism and the teachings of Plato,and Jesus. I say that the words of Plato and Jesus are also different than the  logical words of Aristotle.

For example, Plato uses the word great. To Plato, the word great has two meaning. Great will define an absolute thing, which is one God. And great will define relative things, which are many  different things. Jesus used the words least and great at Matt.5:19-20 to define how the laws of God must be learned before one can enter the kingdom of heaven. Thus, Plato and Jesus developed relative laws with reason. But Aristotle and other logicians develop relative laws with logic. After Jesus was murdered, logicians gained power in geometry, religions, and in courts. But the logical minds of many Little Gods only produced a Dark Period of the Middle Ages  until the Renaissance came. When Cusa, Kepler,  Galileo, and Langer recognized the problem of symbols, logicians were challenged and reason and logic put on their gloves and entered the ring. Soon, Sam Harris would enter the ring to save Darwin's evolutionary theory with the Project Reason.

Cusa said that every inquire  proceeds by means  of a comparative relation whether an easy or a difficult one. Thus, Cusa says that the infinite is unknown. When I say that a finite thing can be related to a not-finite thing, I say that the not-finite thing is something different.  But logicians say that a not-finite thing cannot exist if finite things exist. But the logic of logicians cannot know or prove a not-finite thing

When Pope Benedict XVI took office in Italy, he said that he wanted to learn more about the infinity of God. The Pope was not successful. I agree with Cusa that God is unknown.  But I say that God must be active in the best of all universes because God is great and absolute.

Unless religions and governments recognize the same God, the life of all humans on this planet will become very ugly and very criminal. Furthermore, logicians and atheists are rejecting God without the ability to prove that God does not exist. In my first book, The First Scientific Proof of God, I say that not-finite is something that exist because it is something different than finite, This something difference is an attribute of God, And when I identify not-not-finite, I say that this not-not-finite thing is God but is unknown. But the not-not-finite thing can act and create finite things by contracting his endless attributes.


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