Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, June 01, 2014

461. Making Equal Nations

In my books, I introduce a new God.  This new God is panentheistic. (click) This new God is one, is absolutely infinite, and is a permanent thing that never changes. So, all changing things will be found only in a finite universe.  In his Parmenides dialogue Plato also tells us also that God exists, but only if He makes different things for the universe. So, I conclude that God and the universe form a single world.  In this world, God makes finite things that are never completed.  So the universe never comes to an end.

Based on the above paragraph, I must reject the two popular teachings of religions below:
(1) God gives a person one life in the universe.
(2) God gives a person an endless life in heaven.
I say that both religious teachings are false. I also say that Jesus rejects theses two teachings also at Matt. 5:19 of the New Testament.

In the 1940s, WWII was started by Japan and Germany. Historians say that Japan went to war because it had no oil. And Germany went to war because Hitler thought that Germany was too small. But I say that WWII war really started by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam because these religions teach the same old theories and do not introduce new scientific facts such as the panentheistic God. The panentheistic God was taught long ago by Confucius (551-479 B.C.), Anaxagoras (500-428 B.C.), Plato (427-347 B.C.), and Jesus. So, the deaths of people in the WWII were caused by religions.

Based on the panentheistic God, the people of all nations must become equal because after death the soul of a person will be reborn in any nation by God. So, I say that private money systems are ugly because Hitler, after death, could have been reborn in a U.S. family in the USA who lost many young children in WWII. Thus, I say that a few people should never control a nation.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages.


  • At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Jack said…

    How did we get the 1960s? One is tempted to locate the ideological roots of this era in the 1930s. The expansion of the welfare state that President Lyndon Johnson termed the Great Society seems to have originated in President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal three decades earlier. It is true that FDR made some radical speeches that repudiate the principles of the founding. While the Founders considered the government to be the enemy of rights—several provisions of the Bill of Rights begin, “Congress shall make no law . . . “—FDR insisted that the government is the friend and the guarantor of rights. While the Founders regarded economic liberty as a basic right, FDR justified the curtailments of economic liberty for some in the name of economic security for all. Even so, the New Deal’s actual programs were relatively modest, and they were a response to an emergency situation, namely the Great Depression. According to historian David Kennedy, FDR feared that after the Depression America’s economy might never grow again; he viewed the pie as fixed, and his redistribution programs were based on what turned out to be a false assumption. I am not blaming FDR: many reasonable people in the 1930s believed that capitalism had failed, and that something new had to be tried.

    In the 1960s, by contrast, capitalism was working well and the economy was booming. The welfare state represented a massive expansion and acceleration of government programs, and thus it did constitute a real shift away from the spirit of 1776. Moreover, the 1960s introduced other new elements—the attack on America as a rogue nation, the repudiation of traditional moral and social values—that were simply not present in the 1930s. So ideologically, the 1960s represent a coming together of diverse radical impulses, some from the past, some new, which led to a new way of living in America, a real breaking point. The spirit of 1968 is starkly opposed to the spirit of 1776.

  • At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Jack said…

    Recall that this is the first time that America truly had a “generation gap,” a chasm between parents and children. In previous generations, children wanted to be like their parents. They wanted, as quickly as possible, to grow up and become adults. In the 1960s, however, children regarded themselves as morally superior to their parents, even while indulging in irresponsible behaviors like lawlessness and drug-taking that their parents had never even considered. In short order, the children became incomprehensible to their parents, not only in their music, but also in their values. And while the parents grew older, the children, in a sense, never grew up. They remained, as it were, perpetual adolescents. Now they are graying and grayed adolescents, a breed the world has never seen before. So America is now divided into the group that is a product of the 1960s, and the group that never quite embraced the values of the 1960s. Over time, the generation gap has become an ideological gap. The parents, in a sense, represented the spirit of 1776 and their children the new spirit of 1968.

    We think of the 1960s as reflected in its bohemianism, its sexual experimentation, its skepticism toward America, and so on, but all these traits are also evident in the Beatniks of the 1950s. “America I’ve given you all and now I’m nothing,” Allen Ginsberg wrote in his poem titled America. “America when will you stop destroying human souls?” Ginsberg is not shy in that poem about advertising his homosexuality, his rejection of conventional religion, or his affinity for the Communists. “America I used to be a communist . . . I’m not sorry.” “I won’t say the Lord’s Prayer.” “America I’m putting my queer shoulder to the wheel.” In his poem Howl Ginsberg raged against “robot apartments” and “invisible suburbs” and “demonic industries” and “monstrous bombs.” His first line shows a recognizable self-indulgent hubris. “I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness.” The best minds are clearly his and those of his iconoclastic friends. Together Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady, and others defined a “Beat” sensibility. Kerouac’s On the Road came to symbolize not only the nomadic life but also nomadic values—values that departed from those of traditional America.

  • At 4:19 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…


    Thanks for reporting the changes in the USA. Its just a short time before the rich and the poor will debate and fight.



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