Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, December 11, 2006

Creating, Interpreting, and Reinterpreting Scriptures

Before man began to write, about 5000 years ago, he could talk only to his neighbors. Then, after man began to write, he was able to talk to people far away. Talking at a distance gave man the ability to exchange ideas among many people. Today, man can talk and exchange ideas with people throughout the world. With writing, man could also record these ideas on parchment.. With records, man’s ideas are extended in time as well as space. The ability to extend ideas into time and spaces led to the appearances of scriptures.

We see that man extended his ideas into time and space by developing a scripture such as the Old Testament. And, we see that man’s method of talking to his neighbors was used to record man’s ideas in the Old Testament. The Old Testament was thus an instrument of extending man’s ideas into time and space. Accordingly, I conclude that the scribes of the Old Testament never thought of the Old Testament as an instrument to record God’s talks to man through the Holy Spirit. For instance, Moses did not talk to God through a burning bush. Instead, this bush gave Moses ideas about God’s creation. And, his ‘ten commandments’ are natural laws conceived by Moses. The scribes of th Old Testament were intelligent and recognized the need to record their ideas and communicate them to the new generations.

So, the Old Testament was not the words of God. Instead, the scribes are communicating their ideas about God using the method of talking, just as if God had been talking with them. John Shelby Spong, retired Episcopal Bishop of Newark, also says that God did not dictate to the scribes of the Old Testament. Click. In my recent book, The First Scientific Proof of God, I prove that God cannot talk to us through the Holy Spirit. Click. But, I prove that God and man are talking. When the infinite God creates, He is not living among the stars in the sky. Nor does a third world exist in between God and the universe He is creating. My research says that God’s higher world and our lower world are the only real worlds. Thus, mystical and imaginary worlds do not exist. Based on these two distinct worlds, I came to the conclusion that God must appear in our lower world and did as Jesus Christ.

Man’s ideas cannot be extended into time and space as the scribes did with the talking method in the Old Testament. But, the correct method of extending man’s ideas into the future would not be known until the Renaissance, when people found the scientific method of proof. So, the Jewish scribes used the only method known at their time. Their error of using the talking method to extend man’s ideas was thus a natural error. Even the dictionaries of their time were crude lists of words with phrases showing the use of each word.

But, this does not mean that the Old Testament is useless. I have used the Old Testament with success by translating Old Testament talks into science with the scientific method. By linking scriptures with science, I have revealed a very different universe that God made for us. It is time to unite Science and Theology and all sciences and religions. And, it is time to make new dictionaries that distinguish the method of talking from the scientific method of proof and its truths.

I have scanned the King James version of the Old Testament and New Testament. I have not been able to scan the Qur an because I do not know which English translation to buy. Based on 15th century documents, I learned that Muhammad was a Nester Christian. Apparently, he was a follower of Jesus Christ, who I prove is God in my book. So, I recommend that Jews, Christians and Muslims consider the thoughts in this blog.


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