Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, December 07, 2006

More on Atheism, V

In the blog, More on Atheism, IV, I propose that the half truths of the atheists be transformed into full truths by transforming the atheist’s physical world into a spiritual/physical world. By making this transformation, the universe becomes the ‘infrastructure of life’ and life becomes the ‘activities of spirits,’ which are all living things including God. Of interest to me and my scientific proof of God are the activities of God and all humans. Since this transformation removes the symbols ‘beginning’ and ‘ending’ from the attributes of the universe and life, the field of physical science and all life sciences must align their research programs to the timelessness of eternity. And, the fields of theology and religion must align their theological and scriptural research program to the scientific method of proof.

In this transformation, major changes must be made in the current Western world MINDSET. (This symbol means — the current set of ideas in one’s mind.) One such change must give new meanings to the concepts of Heaven and Hell by converting these symbols from physical concepts into spiritual concepts. This change can be made simply by defining Heaven and Hell as a pair of ‘included middle opposites’ in which human consciousness fills the middle region but never becomes absolutely maximum or absolutely minimum. The extremes, Heaven and Hell, become attributes only of God and aligns to the work of Nicholas of Cusa, who found that God is absolutely maximum and absolutely minimum. New meanings must also be given to the symbols ‘life’ and ‘death’ so that life becomes a continuum and death becomes a discontinuous event on this continuum. These new meanings allow the symbols, reincarnation and goal-seeking, to enter our minds. These two symbols are consistent with the futuristic nature of our minds. Add these new symbols to a futuristic school system and watch the positive changes in your children. They will know more about their lives becuse the mysteries of God are fading away.

Today’s US politics and economics are ungodly. They must be changed too. With the pic I am suggesting that the US government should act amd make change before Independencer Day of 2007 so that all Americans can have a very happy day.


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