Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, March 21, 2008

Comparing the Ugly and Beautiful Political Minds of People in Different Nations

People who live in different nations develop different political minds. The ugliest political minds will be found in nations that accept a dictator. This kind of mind becomes more beautiful if the dictator is a philosopher-king, as defined by Plato. One example of a philosopher-king was Haile Sellassie of Ethiopia.

The political minds in a nation change drastically if a nation has a constitutional government. An example is the new government in Iraq. The political mind of a constitutional government becomes more beautiful if the nation also has a Declaration or Bill of Rights. Examples are France and the USA.

To my knowledge, only the USA has developed the most beautiful political mind. This beautiful mind was developed by the founders of the USA when they also developed a Constitution, a Bill of Rights, and a Declaration of Independence. However, this beautiful mind has been destroyed by those US citizens who became judges in the US Supreme Court and ruled that the authority of the Declaration of Independence was limited to the authority to ‘declare war against England.’ However, the minds of these judges became ugly when they did recognize that the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence authorized the USA to become a nation under God and a nation guided by Laws of Nature and Nature’s God and unalienable rights.

As seen, the political minds of the people of any nation can be ugly and remain that way. When the ugly mind does not change, the morals of the people continue to degenerate. However, the ugly political minds of people can become more and more beautiful, as the people of many nations have shown. But, I also show that the development of the most beautiful mind in the USA has degenerated almost immediately, by the irrational thinking of ugly-minded US Supreme Court judges. As expected, this mental degeneration lowered the US morals. Further, after the US Supreme Court ruled illegally in favor of atheism in 1967, the morals of the people of the USA could be expected to be lowered even more. This lower level of morals is being proven over the last 40 years. Is this degeneration of US morals a sign of new troubles ahead?


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