Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Second Example of an Ugly Mind

As I have said on earlier blogs, the human mind is a God-created thing-in-itself, which contains possibilities that can be developed into actualities. These possibilities will unify opposing concepts such as art and science, reason and sense, feelings and facts, beauty and freedom, etc. I say that all ugly minds are thus caused by the lack of development of the inherent aesthetics that one will find in these dual possibilities. Opposed to me are the evolutionists who say that mind is merely images of the sensual activities of the brain.

So, this second example of an ugly mind is found in the one-sided mind of those evolutionists who promote biological evolutionary theory and reject God. To them, there is no useful art, no useful metaphysics, no useful feelings, no useful beauty, ... etc. Thus, the evolutionist must live on facts and their logic. However, evolutionists say that nonliving and living things coexist. But they cannot explain how living things are formed from nonliving things. This is why they must sell facts and stay away from any forms of proofs, such as my scientific proof of God.

As long as the people of the USA do not accept the first two paragraphs of the US Declaration of Independence as the authority of God in the USA, the US culture will remain divided and crime and other evils will continue to grow.


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