Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Theological Science* and the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God

In the Declaration of Independence, the founders of the USA spoke of two groups of unified laws that God entitles people. One group is called ‘Laws of Nature.’ This group of laws is sought by scientists. Each law is judged for being true or false. The other group is called ‘Laws of Nature’s God.’ This group of laws is sought by every person. Each law is judged for being right or wrong. These unified laws are not understood by most Americans and people n other nations. Yet, these two unified laws guide the ‘truths and rights’ of the life of every human being.

US citizens and the US government began to be guided by the Laws of Nature’s God on December 15, 1791 when the Bill of Rights was added to the US Constitution. But it was not until 1950 that non violent civil rights movement turned the eyes of the US government closer to the Laws of Nature’s God. Thus, the US government was sensitive only to the Bill of Rights before the 1950s. This poor sensitivity implies that the US government was destructive to its own purpose.

On the other hand, the Laws of Nature began to guide US citizens immediately because some colonists were gifted scientists. However, the first research laboratory did not appear in the USA until 1878 when Edison Electric Light Company appeared. To promote research, National Bureau of Standards was established in 1901. At least 100 research laboratories existed in the U.S. when the National Research Council was founded in 1915 to promote national support of WWI. However, in the five-year WWII, military science and technology caused the US economy to double. This is the largest economic gain r recorded. With the WWII GI Bill, many new scientists will appear. These new scientists made President’s Kennedy’s moon landing program possible and neutralized the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

However, in the 1970s, many Americans and American scientists turned to atheism. This turn busted the unity of the Laws of Nature and the Laws of Nature’s God. But this American turn also turned the US government away from the Laws of Nature’s God. An example is ‘the right to life of an unborn child.’ In Roe V. Wade (1973), the Supreme Court ruled that the right of life of an unborn child is the choice of the woman. Yet, theological science proves that God exists, that the Laws of God's Nature are true., and that abortion is murder.

When the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God was busted in the 1970s, the US Supreme Court busted the Union and divided the USA into a new kind of nation. Essentially, the US Supreme Court destroyed the Declaration of Independence.

Obviously, the US government has become irrational. Thus, it is time for ‘the people’ to build a new government.

* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with thoughts about God.


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