Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Theological Science*and Jesus Christ,V

Yesterday, I showed that from God’s standpoint, time does not exist. Thus, any time we speak of in our world, we must remember that time is man-made subject and is usually made by scientists for the purpose of gaining scientific laws about our lower world.

Beginning in the 1970s, our physical scientists began to reject the existence of God. And many life scientists agreed with them. With this rejection of God, the physical scientists made their own ‘god’ and ‘time.’ Their god is a physical thing that explodes and destroyed itself for the sake of producing everything we find in the lower world. This physical god has been given the attribute of time (t) and thus begins at t = 0. This god also has a time clock because the lower world has an end, t = last time.

If the rejection of God by the physical scientists is true, then the daily behavior and futuristic ideas of these scientific Americans must have changed drastically compared to the colonists and founders of the USA, who expected to build a new free nation under God. However, opposing facts are now on the top of the table and are ready for debate.

The rejection of God’s existence has never been proven scientifically. Yet, I have proven scientifically that God does exist. Unfortunately, the physical scientists are unable to debate my scientific proof of God because they must work, as I did, twenty-five long years to study the works of many humans who contributed to my development of a scientific proof of God.

So, I say that it is impossible today for one to enter a real debate between believers and non believers. I came to this conclusion when I debated the scientists at the Baptist Church, U.S. logicians, and many atheists for the past two years. Further, the debates between Sam Harris and religious leaders have developed no winner.

Unfortunately, the inability for Americans to have real debates between believers and non believers is having negative effects on the US government, the people, the different U.S. politics, and the U. S economy. I will discuss these effects tomorrow.

* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.


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