Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea V (Atheism)

Ninety years have now passed since American linguists discovered symbolic languages. Fortunately, in the ninth decade of this period, U.S. citizens have selected a new and different leader, President Barack Obama. Perhaps, he will finally install symbolic languages in the USA as he changes and remakes America. However, if President Obama acts to install symbolic languages in our schools, colleges, and universities, enemies will oppose this action.

The major enemy is atheism. This group of people consists of government workers, congresspersons, judges, scientists, mathematicians, medical doctors, investors, business owners, industrials, bankers, naturalists, evolutionists, logicians, and liberals. These atheists do not prove atheism and do not prove that God does not exist. Instead, they merely say that they do not receive signals from God as they can see stars, smell odors, hear sounds, touch things, or taste food. Yet, when I use symbols instead of signals, I can prove the existence of God scientifically. Currently, I have found two scientific proofs of God.

Atheists fail to realize that all finite thing in the universe must have their origin in a monotheistic God. Accordingly, a monotheistic God is not finite. What is in the universe is the result of God’s creative act. And what God is cannot be comprehended by man.

A second enemy is a group of economists and politicians who do not consider God’s creation in their acts and decisions. These people, for instance, will say that an economy has a business cycle and that recessions and depressions will be recovered automatically by business cycles. A human economy cannot be recovered automatically by a business cycle because an economy of humans is not like the supply/demand economy of all lower animals. Apparently, these enemies do not understand God’s creation and do not understand the difference between ‘symbols’ and ‘signals.’ These enemies appear to be followers of evolutionary theory in which humans are equated to the lower animals and behave based on learning theory.

The current stimulation of the USA economy, as recommended by President Obama this week, is thus correct and necessary when a human economy is falling into a recession.


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