Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Help Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea 100 + XXV (Intelligent Design, XIb)

In this blog, I discuss more contributions of Georg Cantor (1845-1918) to man’s knowledge of God’s Intelligence Design. As a mathematician, Cantor’s work is dealing primarily with the human mind and mind’s development of consciousness. A development of mind is the ‘continuum.’ Continuity is necessary to form all things and organize them into one world. First, a little history.

In the ancient period, Leucippus, Democritus, and Aristotle viewed the continuum as a compound of parts that can be divided without any limit. On the other hand, Epicurus and Lucretius viewed the continuum as a series of finite atoms. Eventually, Thomas Aquinas said that the continuum was formed neither of infinitely many nor of a finite number of parts. Instead, he said that a continuum has no parts at all. The continuum thus became a mystery and a religious dogma.

To eliminate this mystery and religious dogma, Cantor turns his mind to abstract subjects in mathematics such as arithmetic, function theory, and geometry. Accordingly, his thoughts shift to the thinking of the Creator before the Creator acts to form the universe we live. Thus, Cantor did not use ‘time’ and ‘space’ to help define the continuum. Time, he says, presupposes continuity and is nothing but a relation between different motions. Time is thus not the measure of motions. And he says that space is found only in created things. So, the unification of time and space do not exist prior to the existence of physical things.

Since the universe has no vacuums, all things in the universe have two common properties --- quantity and quality. This is why electrical batteries, for example, have 6 or 12 volts and our homes have 120 or 220 volts. So, it was appropriate for Cantor to learn all of the numbers that God included in the design of the universe. Only with numbers can science develop new knowledge of things in the universe. Unfortunately, Western world mathematicans and scientists have placed Cantor’s work into libraries to collect dust.

Cantors’ work goes beyond the ‘finite number system’ where counting and arithmetic applies. His work reveals an ‘infinite number system.’ The first infinite number is the set of all natural numbers (1, 2, 3, ... etc.). These numbers have no last number. The second infinite number system is the set of all real numbers, all rational and irrational numbers. Based on the second infinite number system, a footruler can measure many 1-D things (e.g., line) because it has an infinity of real numbers. And a yardstick can measure longer lines because it also has an infinity of real numbers. The real numbers can form 2-D things such as the S-plane of complex variables. The real numbers form other things such as 3-D geometrical objects.

The infinite and finite number systems and qualities found in the things in the universe are images of God. They are not things that a Big Bang thing produced and evolve from physical things, which reproduce from ancestors.


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