Are Western Christians Becoming Criminals?

In this blog, I show how a symbolic language caused the criminal event in NYC on 9/11/2001. This Twin Tower criminal event was like the appearance of turbulent air in NYC as a result of the motion of a butterfly in Japan. These two examples are not unlike other complex existences such as 'world noise' and a God-created universe of related things.
Although Nicholas of Cusa warned us about using symbols in the 15th century, linguists did not find the existence of symbols until the 1920s. So, five thousand years ago man began to write and started to play games with symbols to develop language systems. Although the big thinkers have stopped playing with words, many other people still play word games. Some people play with religious words and other people play with scientific words, political words, criminal words, etc. Thousands of these word games exist. The worst word players I watch are physical psychologists, atheists, materialists, evolutionists, and deists.
Now, I want to focus on words used by Christians and the actions of 9/11 terrorists. Christians use the word 'substance.'' This word means 'to stand under as an essential quality.' In 15th Century, Bishop Nicholas of Cusa concluded that God is the greatest thing. Based on this conclusion, he found that the word 'greatest' means that God' substance is 'absolute maximum and absolute minimum.' This great finding meant that God's substance cannot be known by our words. However, in 325 A.D. Christians decided that God's substance is also in Jesus Christ. This means that Jesus Christ is both God and man. The 15th century finding and the 325 A.D. decision are thus a contradiction. This contradiction was not announced by the Vatican in the 15th century. Instead, Cusa was sent to Germany. There, he was imprisoned in 1460 and died in 1464. After more than five centuries, Nicholas of Cusa was introduced to Americans in 1979. I became a student of Cusa's work in 1980 and in 2006 wrote in support of Cusa in 'The First Scientific Proof of God.'
The 9/11 terrorists have a history that begins in 325 A.D. when Christians decided to give God's substance to Jesus Christ. With this Christian decision, Christianity began to divide because some Christians thought that the substances of God and Jesus Christ are different. (read) The division thus formed the Western and Eastern churches. In time, the Eastern Christian church led to the development of Islam (click) through the Christians, Nestorius, and his follower, Muhammad.
Thus, the word 'substance' created Muslim criminals who decided to murder people on 9/11/01 in order to force their meaning of this word onto the world. But the word 'substance' also created Christian criminals who decided to hide, for over five centuries, new human knowledge that was developed by Cusa, Galileo, Kepler, Leibniz, et al. At no time, should any word be used to destroy people or knowledge. God made sure that people;s soul cannot be destroyed by man. But knowledge is man-made and must always be saved in our libraries.
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