Scientific Views of Spirits
In God, we find many attributes other than the attribute 'infinite.' At this time, I have found five other attributes as follows: one, equality, union, indivisible, and independent. I have identified all of these attributes of God by investigating the scientific variables that we find in things on our planet. Since God needed these these six attributes and many other attributes in order to create our universe, scientific attribute are necessary to understand God and God's Intelligent Design, which is God's creation.
I began to believe in the science of Spirits when I found that God is indivisible and that the opposing concept, 'divisible,' can be found in our universe. So, for God to create our universe, He must contract his indivisible attribute, by plurality and finitude. This contraction process forms 'a plurality of finite indivisibles.' These many finite indivisibles can be called 'the spiritual atoms of the universe.' Now, if each spiritual atom is 'in' each spiritual atom, many divisible things are formed. Once God gives each divisible thing its least action impulse energy, a single universe is being created. Ancient and modern philosophers have called this universe --- 'One is All' and 'All in One.'
So, God does not create the universe out of nothing. Since an infinite God cannot be exhausted, all things in our universe comes from specific attributes of God and the wisdom that God gives to the Intelligent Design of the universe. Since all spiritual atoms are immortal, reincarnation is one necessary action of God at the death of each divisible thing. If a Spirit is to be reincarnated by God, the indivisibility of the Spirit will function to unify its contents with the contents of the womb and the contents of the sperm. Obviously, the geometries and infinities in the birth of a Spirit is very complex. To give a new Spirit a godly life, poor nations, wars, and abortions must be eliminated.
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