Comparing Atheism With theTheories of God Held by Western Religions

The theory of God by atheism is that God does not exist. But God's nonexistence is not provable because only realities can be proven. Atheism accepts the Big Bang theory and a multi-universe theory. But they have not been proven. Atheists also accept human rights that are determined by secular morals.
The theory of God by Jews is called deism. Deism says that God became inactive after the universe is created and God rested. Deism says that universal laws of nature govern the creation from its beginning to its end. These universal laws were identified by the 18th century Enlightenment. Albert Einstein also said that the universe has a beginning and end. Jews say that human rights are determined in the Old Testament. Jew also sas that God appears to save them when the universe ends.
Christianity (Ancient)
The ancient theory of God by Christians is called theism. Theism says that one God is active and is trinitarian. This 'one-in-three' and 'three-in-one' is formed by --- a Father, who lives in a higher world, a Son, who lives in a lower world (the universe), and a Spirit, who unites the Father and Son. The Father creates the universe based on an Intelligent Design. And, the Son performs miraculous work so that people learn how to perform greater work. When this lower world comes to an end, Christians are judged by the Son so that they can live in Heaven or Hell. Christians say that human rights are determined in the New Testament. Catholic and Protestant churches are changing slowly to the modern version called panentheism..
Christianity (Modern)
A modern Christian theory of God exists. It is called panentheism. This modern theory appeared in Europe in the 15th century. It became focused on the work of Bishop Nicholas of Cusa. (click) Because this modern theory would require changes in the ancient theory, it did not appear in the USA until 1979. As an early student of this modern theory, it took me twenty-five years before I published "The First Scientific Proof of God" and began to teach the modern theory on this Google website. Some major differences are as follows: (1) A single world exists of God (a higher world) and a universe (a lower world); (2 ) God is active; (3) God and the universe are eternal; (4) reincarnation is possible and actual, (5) heaven and hell exist only on planets. The laws of Nature and Nature's God determine God's Intelligent design and human rights. Panentheism is aligned to the U.S. founding documents.
I believe that the Muslim theory of God is very similar to the Jewish theory of God. However, human rights are determined in the Qur'an.
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