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Saturday, December 04, 2010

Today's Tea Partiies Are Troublesome

The first Tea Party was formed by our colonists after England's Parliament taxed the colonists without representation. Because of this tax, the colonists separated themselves from England and authorized the Declaration of Independence, and the Second Continental Congress, on July 4, 1776. The Tea Parties of today are very different. This new information was found in 'The Patriot's Toolbox,' The Heartland Institute, 2010 (click) Not only do today's Tea Parties want to change taxes, they expect to change the U.S. founding documents and change all rights to secular morals . God wouls be removed from this world.

The major change in taxing would occur by reducing the labor of government. This reduction was rationalized by a survey. In this survey 66% of Americans say that 'government is almost always wasteful and inefficient.' The performance of government cannot be measured. Nor can a government's performance be compared with the private sector performances. So, this survey of Americans is not scientific.

A major change in the founding documents would occur if the meanings of some words, such as 'free 'and 'liberty,' would change from variables to absolutes. With this linguistic change, all citizens would become little gods, God would be eliminated from the USA, human rights would become secular rather from God, and some wise little gods would make themselves the government. An example is those wise little gods of the Cato Institute, who would govern a nation only with empirical knowledge of 'a free market economy' and St. Paul's Rom. 1; 20 would be erased from the world.

The appearance of today's Tea Parties could become very interesting..


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