The Thoughts of the Repoublicans Are Confused and Ungodly

The supply-side economics did not work for President Reagan and the father and son Bush presidents. These three presidents created huge national debts during their terms. Only President Clinton produced an 8-year economy that held high employment and created no national debt. The performance of President Obama is unclear because President Bush passed a depression onto President Obama. But since President Obama agreed with the Republicans to give tax breaks to the wealthiest citizens, I conclude that President Obama's real performance will never be known. At this time, I conclude that the U.S. government has become dysfunctional and inconsistent with the founding documents .
The Republicans and the new Speaker of the House say that the debt must be reduced by reducing the government budget. This reduction can solve this debt problem, which was created by the Republicans ever since 1981. But this reduction in government will affect the living standards of over 98% of the new U.S. children. This is unfair because the children of the wealthye parents will receive high living standards without earning them. This is inconsistent in a nation under God.
However, reducing government budgets will not solve the continuous economic problems of the USA. To solve these problems, the old economic theories (free market economics and supply-side economic) must be rejected. Once these theories are rejected, money will become a 'means' rather than an 'end' and foreign trade will become a bartering process.
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