The Functions That God Gave to All Humans

The concept 'indivisible' became a possible attribute of God in the human mind when idolatry and pantheism were rejected by Abraham (click). But 'indivisible' did not become a real word until Nicholas of Cusa found, in the 15th century, that the greatest God of Anselm is both absolutely maximum and absolutely minimum. If Anselm's greatest God is really both maximum and minimum, then the universe has no vacuums, has no zero point and maximum point in mathematics, and has no beginning and end in science and philosophy.
So, when Cusa learned that the greatest God is also absolutely maximum and absolutely minimum, he found that God forms the universe by contracting his own indivisibility by plurality and finitude. So, before visible things appear in the universe, seemingly out of nothing, God unfolds an infinite number of indivisible things.
I call indivisible things 'spiritual atoms' because I want to distinguish them from the physical atoms of our chemists. In his book on 'Monadology,' Gottfried Leibniz calls the indivisible things 'true atoms.' In his infinitesimal calculus, Leibniz applies his true atoms by using the symbol 'dy/dx' , which approaches, but never becomes zero. (Thus, many mathematicians do not understand God.) My spiritual atoms are called souls by religions. Some modern scientists use the word 'mind.' And, psychologists use the word 'psych.' As seen, indivisible things are very new.
So, our minds today are developing new theories about indivisible things. Since nothing can enter or leave an indivisible thing, we can conclude that indivisible things are immortal because God is eternal. I do not believe that God will ever destroy our universe and make a new one because His wisdom is absolutely maximum. So, I believe that indivisible things will always exist.
My current thoughts identify new attributes of God that connect God and the universe and form a single world. Since God creates an infinite number of indivisible things, the visible things that we can sense are wholes, which have an infinite number of parts. So, when God creates visible things 'each indivisible thing is found in each indivisible thing.' Using modern science, this complex statement means that each indivisible thing produces a different function in each indivisible thing. Unfortunately, man cannot know a whole that has an infinite number of parts. God's wisdom about such wholes is just too great for us. This is why Nicholas of Cusa tells us that we must learn what we cannot know.
To understand God's creation and learn what we cannot know, we can consider the development of Gestalt psychology. To develop this psychology, we must return to our views of Mother's faces when we were babies. Her different faces produced different functions to us. These different functions thus 'kept Mother on the job.' As we mature, we develop functions. And as life changes, we and Mother change functionally. After death, we are reborn and are raised by a new Mother and Father.
Indivisible things form every thing in the universe; all humans, all steel, all leaves, all suns, etc. Evolutionary theory is thus false. Since all indivisible things come from God and connected us to God, your prayers, thoughts, thinking, etc. are heard by God. So, I encourage the development of moral functions and discourage crime, using drugs, greed, racism, etc.
Happy Holidays
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