Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, January 27, 2013

137. Patrick Buchanan Does Not Understand Founding Principles

In order to stop the development of President Obama and liberalism, GOP conservatism's, lawyers, columnists, and newspapers will try to change the meanings of words in the USA national language and the meanings of words in the Declamation of Independence (DOI), and the Constitution. The columnist, Patrick Buchanan, will try to eliminate the word 'equality'  in his recent article, The Old Republic & Obama's America.

To eliminate 'equality' from the USA laws, Buchanan says that the DOI has no laws. But I prove that the DOI does have laws. Buchanan says that the statement, all Men are created equal, is not a USA law because six original states and five of the first seven presidents were using slaves.  But slavery was eliminated on July 4, 1776. Only England had authorized slavery. After July 4, 1776, slavery became illegal.

Buchanan says that 'equlity' is not a 'founding principle of the republic.'  He says that the 'equality' of constitutional rights was not established until the 13th ,14th, and 15th amendments. He also says that the 'equality' of civil rights was not established until the 1960s.  Buchanan says that 'freedom' is the true founding principle.  But it is wrong to say the USA founding has only one principle --- freedom.

Buchanan does not understand founding principles.  So, he does not know that our freedom is not absolute.  Only God's freedom is absolute. We must develop many freedoms. The founding of the USA has other founding principles. For example, 'equality' was a founding principle. Its meaning is expressed with the words 'all Men are created equal.'  The principle of 'equality' is more fundamental than 'freedom' because identities are formed. Since no identities have ever been found in the universe, 'equality' must be a godly principle.

I believe that the GOP is on the wrong paths of thought and does not know about God and the universe.


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