Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

140. The Twoness of the Declaration of Independenedd and the Constitution

In his book,The Symphony of  Life, Donald Hatch Andrews tells us how understandings of God and the universe can be developed. To gain  understandings, he also tells us about the group theory, which has groups such as oneness, twoness, threeness, etc. ... to Infinity.

In my two books, The First Scientific Proof of God and A New and Modern Holy Bible, I gain an understanding of God with the scientific twoness.  This twoness is the coexisting opposites,  finite and infinity. To make a general statement to non scientists, I say that all finite things come from God and Hhis infinity.

When our lawyers interpret the founding documents, their minds turn to the old logic of Aristotle. instead of turning to Andrews' modern group theory. On the Declaration of Independence (DOI), the lawyers say that the DOI has no laws and cannot be amended.  On the Constitution, the lawyers say that the Constitution has laws and can be amended.

The founder's thoughts, the DOI,  and the Constitution can be interpreted differently.  This difference can be improved with the twoness of our modern science. A twoness will appear because John Locke's social contract theory was accepted widely by the American colonists.  These colonists also rejected the British and French social theories.  In other words, the DOI contains hidden laws.

The lawyer's have missed these hidden laws because they missed Locke's social contract theory. Locke's theory has a twoness, which is named 'Society and Government.' (See Lock's book on The Second Treatise of Government.)  The Society and Society's Government are found in the first two paragraphs of the DOI.

Today, many members of the U.S. Congress carry the Constitution every day in their back pocket.  It is now time for them to carry the DOI in their other pocket every day.

More people must learn the field of science. Religions moved forward without learning science and Gnosticism.  Fifteen century had to pass before Christians recognized Jesus' scientific teachings. And fifteen century had to pass before Cicero's Courts would reject Aristotle's logic. The USA is falling. We must turn our minds upward.


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