Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, March 18, 2013

192. More On Pope Francis

In my local newspaper, Pope Francis speaks of  'the church of the poor.' However, I do not believe that he is talking only about the 90% of poor Little Gods in the USA or the poor Little Gods in Argentina.  Instead, I believe that he is concerned about the vast inequities among the rich and poor in the world and the pressures of Western-style capitalism.

To me, the thoughts of Pope Francis are focused on the right subject --- inequalities --- because capitalists cannot govern every nation under God. Nor can a capitalist govern a universe that has no end. As I presented in my blogs from 173 to179,  capitalists are using ungodly deductive  economies.  In a deductive economy one will find many inequalities in the Little Gods.

My theory of God and the universe says that every Little God will be reborn by God after death.  In my study of the New Testament, Jesus agrees with my theory. If God's rebirths are true, all inequities are unwanted by any leader of any nation.


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