Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, October 13, 2013

300. Modifying Economy 101

After the assassination of President Lincoln, the Republican and Democrats developed Economy 101, which must serve the free people of the USA.

After Economy 101 was put into action by the Republicans and Democrats, Economy 101 developed the following performance:
(1) developed a permanent level of inflation;
(2) developed a permanent level of unemployment;
(3) developed a growing debt;
(4) developed new commerce for alcohol and drug use after the 1920s;
(5) developed an increased number of criminals in the 1960s;
(6) did not develop any increased wealth for 90% of U.S. households, but did develop old money. [Old money is the inherited wealth of established upper-class families (i.e. gentry, patriciate) or a person, family, or lineage possessing inherited wealth. The term typically describes a class of the rich, who have been able to maintain their wealth across multiple generations.] (click) and
(7) reduced the rank of the U.S. mathematicians and scientists du to high cost of colleges and universities.

When President Obama came to the White House, the Democrats in Congress began to turn away from Economy 101. This turn separated the Republican and Democrats and eventually led to the shutdown of the U.S. government by the Republicans. The shutdown came because President Obama wanted to increase the debt and also wanted to decrease the costs of colleges and universities by increasing the taxes of rich citizens.

The debt in Economy 101 is a major error. Old Money comes from the evolutionary theory, which is false. (See 60 Families) So, the U.S. debt can be reduced greatly for all dead people. Further, inheritances can eliminated because bloodlines do not exist in any family. Furthermore, unemployment, must be limited to very low levels so that more children can go to colleges and universities. On inflation, all capital of new developments should come only from the Federal Reserve System. The banks should only fund developed goods and services. This modified Economy 101 must be changed immediately.

This modification of Economy 101 means that all  government workers must be returned immediately.

Note. Economies can be known only by excellent scientists and excellent theologians. Since Congress does not have many dialectical scientists and theologians, the above modification of Economy 101 might not be understood by Congress.


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