Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Yet More on Mark Chu-Carroll

Looking more at Carroll’s website, it seems that Mark has established a kind of monarchy with the symbolic language he used to assassinate my character and the character of other. To begin to assassinate the character of a person, he seems to begin by calling a person ‘an idiot.’Perhaps, his staff fears him. Perhaps, he is developing the behavior of a ‘power seeker.’

So, I am investigating Mark’s past writings to search for his flawed mental behaviors. These imperfections are found in all humans because no perfect human will ever be found in our world. In the ancient world, many monarchs have gained their power from ‘telling lies.’ The Sophists at Plato’s time are an example of some past power seekers. The Sophists formed the group who set-up Socrates’ criminal charge and had him executed. Many modern people have the characteristics of ancient monarchs. You can observe this group of people in most businesses, industries, and governments. They are usually ignorant of their immoral behaviors. Ignorance is what you must seek to find errors in the minds of crime-potential people.

Mark’s disinterest in my scientific proof of God exposed me to one of his ignorance. This disinterest appears to any observer because his closed MINDSET (or his cults) is forcing him to live only in a world of numbers. In other words, he is a pure mathematician and cannot conceive other worlds such as the spiritual world or the world of life. He might recognize the oneness of God. But, I doubt that he will recognize the twoness of God and the threeness of God.

I tried to teach him. But, at this phase of his life he is not teachable. Will he ever open his mind? I doubt that he will open his mind unless he lowers the number of cults that are controlling him. A person’s cults must be lowered in order to free that person’s soul. I pity people who cannot jump out of a smoking habit, a drug habit, gambling habit, a character assassination habit, a racist habit, or any other cult.


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