Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Do Conspiracies Exist in the United States?

If you ask reporters today, most of them will say that there are no conspiracies among political lobbyists, bankers, industrialists, etc. in Washington, DC. This answer appears to be true because intelligent people do not take chances of being caught in a talking conspiracy among two or more people. But, are talking conspiracies the only way a conspiracy can be formed? I conclude that a conspiracy can be formed indirectly and without talk, by a single person.

I conclude that conspiracies are being formed this way by atheists who cannot prove their theories. A single atheist can form this kind of conspiracy unknowingly by expressing unproven facts against a believer, who is expressing his or her beliefs. Once the unproven fact is expressed, another atheist can repeat the unproven fact. When this independent action is taken by other atheists, the character of this believer is slowly assassinated. I believe that this kind of conspiracy occurs mostly in fields of thought that are unable to develop proven truths. Atheism and evolutionary theory are examples.

Atheists have expressed unproven facts about me after my book on the first scientific proof of God appeared in the Internet book stores. See (1) click , (2) click , (3) click , and (4) click. Of interest in this Good Math, Bad math website is that some of these mthematicians are believers in God. For instance Mark says that he is a Jew, and Mel says that he is a catholic. If they believe in God, why are they not interested in learning about scientific proofs of God. Conflicting words seem to surround them. I have read other character assassinations of those believers who are trying to explain to people the truths about ‘intelligent design.’ And, I have read of other character assassinations of believers who work in the Discovery Institute and who are trying to explain to people the falsities about ‘evolutionary theory.’ I have also read the writings of the atheist, Sam Harris, and his scientific debates with believers. Harris is a real scientist and does not assassinate the characters of his oppositions. He is the model that all atheists should follow.

Some atheists assassinate the character of a person who posts a review of a book written by an atheist. This is happening to me on (click) This assassin either simply votes against the reviewer or goes further to add negative characteristics about the reviewer in the comments. Tonight, ABC Nightly News reportes that school bullies are assassinating the character of autistic children. These assassinations cause psychological problems for the autistic child. One thus wonders wherther today's atheistic character assassins are only high school bullise in more expensive clothes. It seems as though the character assassinations used by many of our politicians are spreading into the citizenship.

When atheists choose ‘character assassinations’ over ‘sound scientific discussions,’ I believe that they are choosing the path of crime. I say this because the freedom in the phrase ‘free speech’ is not absolute. Using this phrase only reflects one’s ignorance. If atheists do not want to become real scientists, it might be time to make new laws that limit man’s Internet activities. Pornography could also be eliminated on the Internet. Only God’s freedom is absolute. So, wake up U Americans.


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