Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, August 09, 2007

The New 1776 Political Experiment and Civil Responsibilities

On July 20, 1969, the first generation astronauts landed on the moon. Last evening, a new generation of astronauts were boosted into space. This trip into space required improvements in rocket booster and the spacecraft so that the astronauts would be returned to planet earth safely with certainty. This landing, these space trips, and such improvements are part of the continuous development of the founding of the USA and the New 1776 Political Experiment, which is defined by the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Obviously, during their lives, all US citizens are part of this continuous development of the USA. This development will form a more perfect Union as mandated in the Preamble of the Constitution. So, all US citizens have civil responsibilities to the USA. Stated differently, the USA is neither a ‘free for all’ nation nor a ‘laissez-faire’ nation.

However, the development of the New 1776 Political Experiment has been corrupted by rulings of the US Supreme Court. As a result of these rulings, freedom has expanded to the point where citizens no longer accept any civil responsibilities. Many of them do not even obey US laws. Because their unawareness of the New 1776 Political Experiment and unawareness of the nature of the USA, as defined in the Declaration, these irresponsible citizens feel free to live a life of their personal choice.

Because of these corrupted rulings and the expansion of freedom, some citizens have chosen the useless life of crime, alcoholism, prostitution, or gambling while other citizens have chosen the useless life of atheism, abortion, wealth, homosexuality, or immoralities. Further, many of our new scientists had become atheists in the 1970s and had chosen a life that has no God. Today, we are receiving bad news about the failures of their costly scientific projects. Rejecting God and practicing the opposite, atheism, is an outright violation of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Unfortunately, these corrupt Supreme Court rulings have also forced some citizens into undesirable lives such as poverty, disability, and mental illness. To say that all men are created equal does not mean thatt all men are created with choices. It is not true that some men are created slaves or created poor people.

Fortunately, many citizens know that life in the New 1776 Political Experiment is not a matter of free choices. These citizens recognize this truth and have chosen a life of responsibility by becoming educated, finding useful careers, serving the government, or serving the USA militarily.

Isn’t it time for the US Supreme Court to be reformed and irresponsible citizens to accept their civil responsibilities?


  • At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was very pleased to see you mention Lincoln in several of your comments. Many people have stopped doing that ever since Lincoln was hailed as a gay icon, but you obviously are brave enough to face conservative criticism of his and your way of life. As you are brave enough to publish a few photographs of yourself that leave no doubt about your sexual preferences. Men of your age don't usually own up to their homosexuality. I only wish there were more people like you, George!

  • At 9:58 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to pink jimmy boy,

    I can't believe that Lincoln was homosexual. His writings are very godly, which indicate that he was not homosexual.

    I view homosexuality as a behavior against God's rights and originate in the formation of a person's mind. Flawed symbolic languages are the corrupting agency. These flaws turn people against God in different degrees.


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