Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Origin of Republican Form of Government in the United States of America

The title of this blog is also the title of a 150-page ($15.61) book from Its author is Oscar S.. Straus. The Introduction is by Emile de Laveleye. Its date in 1926 . I recommend that thus book be read by every American since it explains the origin of the American revolution and the connection of the United States to teachings in the Bible.

The US revolution was not the first in the world. It was preceded by the Revolution of 1688 in England and revolutions in Greece, Rome, Carthage, Switzerland, and Holland. The purpose of the 1688 revolution in England was to secure definite constitutional rights for the English people. The American revolution was initiated because the people in England had more rights than England’s government gave the American colonists.

The American colonists sought ‘equal rights,’ the same rights that English citizens received. Interestingly, the idea of equal rights is originated in the Bible. It is found in the teaching that all men descended from Adam and Eve. This teaching says that all men are free, equal, and brothers. This biblical teaching is found in the Declaration of Independence in the statement ‘that all Men are created equal.

Thus, the American colonists had to create a ‘new society’ and a ‘new government.’ Nothing else was new in the American revolution. The inclusion of God in the Declaration of Independence and the constitution was thus not new. The USA is just another nation under God. For thus reason, the practice of atheism is the USA and all of the preceding revolutions are illegal.

Clearly, God and freedom are inseparable ideas in any advancing nation. Thus, a godless world consisting of free humans is an irrational thought. A godless world is a pure machine that has no living things. Atheism is thus illegal in a godly nation for rational reasons.


  • At 8:15 PM, Blogger Lenoxus said…

    One minor correction: God is not mentioned at all in in the Constitution. Religion is mentioned twice; once in the first amendment (obviously) and once in Article VI: "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." You can feel free to petition a redress of that, though… ;)

  • At 11:03 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to lenoxus,

    US citizens are confused because the words, religion and theology, have different meanings. Theology means a theory of God. Many such theories exist. But, religion means the practic of a specific theology. Theory and practice are different concepts in my mind and the minds of many other people.

    Thus government can do research on the theory of God. But, governmnet must be separated from religion.

    God is expressed indirectly in the Preamble of the Constitution. God is expressed indirectly with the phrase " Order to form a more perfect Union."

    To measure the perfection of the Union, a perfect standard is necessary. Only God is that perfect standard. This is the way man measures things. This is why we the Department of Commerse has the 'standards bureau' in Maryland.


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