Theological Science* and Ernst Cassirer, IV

On pages 857-880 of ‘The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer,’ a book of The Library of Living Philosophers, Cassirer writes about the free life of spirits. But, he does not place human spirits with those lower animals and nonliving things that will produce effects only from causes of the Laws of Nature. Human spirits are free and can live in other worlds as well as in the organic world of the lower animals and nonliving things. So, the ‘eye of Cassirer’s mind’ sees Spirit and Life as a permanent war. Today, this war is called the mind-body relation.
If Spirits in the USA seek the Laws of Nature through science and seek the Laws of Nature’s God through rational reason, these Spirits would be in harmony with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. However, if the energies and talents of these Spirits produce only a good life, the Spirits could be in disharmony with these founding documents. The good life that Burger speaks about is too vague. Such a life must be defined precisely by the Supreme Court. As some judges say, the Supreme Court must open a permanent Socratic dialogue with the representatives of the people. Further, the three branches of the US government must begin to work together rather than concentrating on the development of political power. This change should be of interest to the two US presidential candidates.
The concepts, Spirit and Life, form a permanent pair of opposites for my theological science. But logicians and atheists would say, ‘you can’t do that’ and would reject the coexistence of these opposing concepts. And they would charge Cassirer with using non sequiturs. It is time to correct the thoughts of our scientists, logicians, and atheists on many subjects including the spiritual world.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.
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