Theological Science and Ernst Cassirer, I

Theological science can recognize the great work of Cassirer, the teaching of Jesus Christ on mind, and the particular and root cause of the Western world human problems.
Theological science concludes that the fields of science, atheism, and logic are particular causes of this fall. They cause this fall because they limit the development of man’s consciousness to archaic logic (sensual data and logic). With this limit, they cannot develop any metaphysical knowledge about things in themselves!!!!
In the 1920s, Cassirer and other Western world linguists concluded that sensual data are primarily symbolic. It is clear to theological science that most scientists, atheists, and logicians have never heard of the 3 Vol. Book by Cassirer on "The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms." Nor have most of them heard of "The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer" produced by The Library of Living Philosophers.
Unfortunately, these scientists, atheists, and logicians help to form the new ‘me generation,’ which began in the 1970s. Today, this destructive generation has become godless. Its godless myths control many Hollywood activities and TV entertainment. And its members have little interest in the history of great thinkers such as Ernst Cassirer. It seems clear that this new generation is the root cause of today’s wars and those Western world human problems I mentioned above.
When will our colleges and universities begin to teach the truths about our symbolic languages, their relations to our minds, and the development of consciousness beyond empirical data and logic?
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