Theological Science* and Ernst Cassirer, VI

When all humans are distinguished from all lower animals, one finds agreement with some religions. For instance, Christians speak of God but also speak of the Son of God. They say that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. However, I noticed that Jesus Christ spoke of the Son of man twice in Ch. 24 of Matthew. His word seems to say that all humans and he are the Son of man and that all humans are Sons of God. So the separation of humans from the lower animals agrees with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
In my book, I say that the teachings of Jesus Christ are of a divine origin because many of his teachings are ‘new ideas.’ My book defines a new idea as a turbulent idea that reveals many new consistent ideas and is an idea that has never been heard before by man. However, more evidence is needed if one wants to prove scientifically that God must appear in our world and did as Jesus Christ.
The mediation process of humans is the time we take to reflect about the things we sense. Our reflections are complex because we express intuitions with symbols that must have a meaning. But our reflections are twofold. First, we can reflect on the world in which we live to develop knowledge of its Laws of Nature. These laws guide our daily lives. Second, we can also reflect on the other world that God made for us. This world is guided by Laws of God’s Nature. The founders of the USA say in the Declaration of Independence that two different worlds are guided by Laws fo Nature and Nature's God .
In his paper on the dualism of Spirit and Life, Cassirer says nothing about the end or purpose of Life or about conquering the Laws of Nature. Instead, he speaks of retreating into the world or unreality, into the world of appearance and of play, where the world of reality can be conquered. So, he speaks of the aesthetic education of Federich Schiller (1759-1805) who was the poet of the American colonists. Cassirer saw Schiller’s work as the most fundamental writings on modern anthropology.
Isn’t it time to build a real world in the United States and all other nations?
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.
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