Theological Science * and Crime

Because of this error, crime in trh USA is growing rather than decreasing. This growth is causing insecurities in the life of every US citizen. Accordingly, the error of our lawyers originate in the US Supreme Court. Yet, the three branches of our government has the responsibility to secure the people of the USA.
Beginning in the 1960s, crime began to increase because some citizens were turning away from God and the Laws of Nature’s God. These citizens became known as Hippies. Instead of perfecting the Union, a drug culture developed by the Hippies. At the same time, a culture of other citizens would land on the moon. I was involved in this culture.
The drug culture caused new crimes. For instance, ‘stranger-to-stranger’ crime was new because crimes had always been among people who knew each other. This new crime is harder to solve by law enforcers. Another new crime is known as a ‘drug-related’ crime. Such a crime is committed by drug users who seek money to buy drugs. However, drug-related crime has expanded and is now beyond the ability of our State and local law enforcers. This crime is now at the world level and has caused a war in Afghanistan, the world’s biggest producer of drugs.
The culture and subcultures of a nation must be secured. When a nation loses its wholeness and only subcultures exist, that nation is degenerating, will divide and develop a civil war. This wholeness is being lost due to our laissez-faire economic system.
Other new subcultures are the ‘me-generation’ and ‘atheism.’ These new subcultures are turning the USA away from God, the Laws of Nature’s God, and the US science. By changing the US science, the USA could degenerate faster than our blind experts in Washington realize. The only solution to crime today is the theological science that I am developing.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.
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