More on Theological Science* and the U.S. Financial System

The current bail out of financial systems by the national government disturbs me because the US economic system is deeply flawed for a nation under God. These flaws are ideas that have been installed in the United States by habits, by ideas that are formed by poorly constructed symbolic languages, or by atheists.
I became interest in economics in the 1960s when I learned that the people who work in real estate was passing many more important workers from the standpoint of money. As an engineer, who produces useful things for people, I could not understand why real estate workers are making enough money to live in castles when an engineer cannot afford that kind of life. After research, I found that the output of a modern economy is produced by capital, labor, and technology. Then, when I conducted research on the founders of the United States, I found that the founders decided to build the USA on the social contract theory of England’s John Locke.
In Locke’s theory, a citizen requires properties such as homes and land. But, must a citizen own land? In my studies, I learned that England’s governors of New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia did not distribute land unless something was added to it. Thus, homes, businesses, parks, etc. must be added to the land of the USA. These wise governors eliminated land speculators and thus eliminated inflation in their economies.
The US founders were not wise on the subject of land. Today, the US government is also not wise on the subject of land. To make the US government wiser, I say that all of today’s troubled financial systems should not be bailed out if the system is involved in the field of real estate. Bail out money should care for those people who must seek new employment when land ownership is eliminated in the USA by Amendment to the Constitution.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.
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