Theological Science* and Money v. Talent

The meaning of ‘talent’ is taught by Jesus Christ in the Bible at Chapter 25 of Matthew. There, Jesus teaches the difference between ‘talent’ and ‘money.’ He teaches that all humans receive a talent from God. However, this received talent by a newly born child is only potential. Thus, the received potential talent must be developed by every new child into an actual talent. So, every child is free to choose a specific talent and develop it.
Unfortunately, some humans do not choose a talent at all. And some humans choose a talent but do not develop it. In general, humans, who become happy, have chosen and developed one or more talents.
Jesus also teaches that humans did not receive ‘money’ from God. But some humans do choose money as their talent. When a person develops money as talent, that person develops a talent called usury. A person who chooses usury is called a ‘lender’ of money. The lender receives a larger amount of money than was lent.
The US government created usury when Congress transferred its mandate to coin Money and regulate the Value to lenders. This unconstitutional act of Congress led the USA away from developing the true human economy. This violation of the Constitution led to the ugly and highly unstable US economy.
Currently, the US government expects to bail out lenders who lent too much money that cannot be repaid. Since taxpayers must pay for this bail out, the spiral of the US economy will fall downwardly on the geometrical cone. This is a human disaster!!!!
It is time to change the US economy as Jesus Christ taught. Based on my theological science, the talents of the people who operate the US stable/unstable economy are irrational and ungodly.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.
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