Theological Science* and Ernst Cassirer’s Symbolic World, VII

Unfortunately, today’s economists do not understand this new world because they believe that all economies obey the Laws of Nature and do not obey Laws of Nature’s God. For instance, in the 1930s, the Hoover Administration thought that the depression was natural and that the laws of Nature would stop the depression. This Administration was wrong. Since the laws of a natural economy have never been found, today’s economies usually obey the arbitrary laws made by powerful and political people. Such people often rely on professors at Harvard University, Stanford University, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Does an economy for the world of humans exist, that is, one that obeys the Laws of God’s Nature? I believe such an economy exists. It was found by Lyndon LaRouche years ago. But, his economic ideas were never considered because the ‘boat of good life for some people would be rocked.'
Isn’t it time to look deeper at some of the ideas that are moving between people today? Further, materialistic and atheistic ideas will not fit the new world of humans.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.
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