Theological Science* Investigates the Debates Between Liberals and Conservatives

In a ‘liberal’ person, one will thus find some conservative behaviors. And in a ‘conservative’ person, one will also find some liberal behaviors. Since the use of precise opposing terms is small compared to the use of imprecise terms, Americans will continue to divide themselves and fight politically if they do not learn how to think dialectically.
When I use theological science to investigate the debates between ‘liberals’ and ‘conservatives,’ I conclude that the many liberals and conservatives have turned away from God and the moral laws of a creator God. God is mandated in the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence. And all moral laws are defined as ‘Laws of Nature’s God’ in the first paragraph.
So, liberals are right to defend against the conservative belief, that human freedom is limited to choices, with the powerful statement in the Declaration of Independence ‘that all Men are created equal.’ But liberal thoughts can lead to contradictions, for instance, if Mother is allowed to abort a child.
Imprecise terms such as ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ are necessary to build human communications, sciences, and morals. So, neither liberals nor conservatives can say they are political right or wrong without interacting and discussing with each other. Today’s fighting between liberals and conservatives are ignorant ways of seeking scientific or moral laws and unifying the people of a free nation.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.
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