Theological Science* and a Free Market Economy

Further, if the free people of a nation also build a government, the free people are no longer absolutely free because they must give their government some of their natural rights. Accordingly, when a government has been formed of, by, and for people, the people and their economy can no longer be absolutely free. So, an absolutely free market economy is an irrational idea in the USA. It is irrational in the USA because the togetherness of free people in a nation has risen to Union, a higher level of thought in the minds its people.
A free market economy has never been more than a ‘product for sale’ to free people. Further, a free market economy is not scientific because it cannot be predicted, as U.S. depressions and bailouts reveal. For this reason, a free market economy must be sold to the public by economic professors at colleges and universities and think tanks such as the Cato Institute, which is a libertarian think tank located in Washington, D.C. Obviously, these sellers of a free market economy are either atheists or people who do not understand an infinite God.
When free people give a government rights, they give rights equally. In exchange for these rights, the government secures its people equally. So, when the founders applied the social contract of John Locke, they founded a social nation. However, this social nation cannot be equated to today’s socialistic nations such as Russia and other communistic nations. The social nation, which founded as the USA, is a nation under God.
A social nation under God is very different compared to a godless communistic nation. A social nation under God is progressive in that its people live in the present and future and do not behave today based on cause/effect events of the past. The future of a social nation under God is predictable. But it cannot be predicted scientifically. A social nation under God becomes highly predictable because it is goal-seeking. So, the economy for a social nation under God is a goal-seeking economic process.
It is time to stop viewing humans as machines that are guided by cause/effect relations. It is also time to rid the ugly economic classes that a free market economy builds.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.
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