Theological Science* and Atheistic Mathematical Physicists

Many mathematicians are mathematical physicists because the universe is large and has many nonliving things that must support many living things. Because of the complexity of the universe, people expect science to understand life and all of those nonliving things that support life. Mathematicians and scientists satisfied these expectations when President Kennedy sold space research to the people. The mathematical physicists of that time helped to land on the moon because many of them had received educational help from the GI Bill of Rights. I was able to participate in this moon landing because I also received help from this bill.
In 1967, two significant events changed the way that new mathematical physicists think. One event was the support of atheism by the U.S. Supreme Court. This support violated the authorities of the founding documents. Another event was the adoption of the Standard Model by the field of physics. (click) This adoption occurred because physicists concluded that chemical atoms are more complex than they thought.
These two events are significant because the new mathematical physicists rejected God. Since this new group of mathematical physicists rejected God, they became atheists. However, I conclude that the 1967t ruling of the Supreme Court violates the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. And I conclude that the Standard Model of the field of physics will fail.
The Standard Model will fail for the following reasons:
(1) the existence of God has been proven scientifically in 2006. (In ‘The First Scientific Proof of God.’)
(2) My 2006 scientific proof of God has never been falsified.
(3) My 2006 scientific proof also proves that atheism is a false theory.
Thus, the 1967 ruling of judges at the U.S. Supreme Court and the new mathematical physicists of the 1970s have made major errors that are harming the people of the USA. Unfortunately, these errors are being amplified today by atheists at scientific and mathematical websites. For instance, (click) and (click).
The above errors have a cause. I conclude that the U.S. school of physics has become enslaved by the mathematicians of Japan and India and by the U.S. atheistic mathematicians. The U.S. school of physicists must become independent by freeing itself from these awful internal and foreign enslaving forces.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.
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