Theological Science,* Nobel Prize Winners, and Mathematical Physicists

The Nobel Prize winners were Yoichino Nanbu of the University of Chicago and Makoto Kobayasin and Toshihide Maskawa of Japan. These awards are for the development of a new, but unproven, theory. This theory says that the Big Bang physical particle, which is preparing to explode, contains the opposing physical forces, matter and antimatter. The theory says that the concept ‘matter’ is like the human ego whereas ‘antimatter’ is like the human alter ego.
The Big Bang physical particle is said to explode when ‘matter’ becomes greater than ‘antimatter.’ The ego and alter ego of humans are thus explained as a physical process. So, these theorists say that life can be explained as a physical process. Thus, they reject the idea that human life is spiritual. But it is physical theories that caused our banks to fail and why our U.S. government had to bailout these banks.
However, this theory does not explain the origin of the Big Bang physical particle and its essential positive content (matter). And the theorists do not explain its negative content (antimatter) at all.
Theological science shows that the theory of God is infinitely superior to this atheistic physical theory because the atheistic theory assumes that the concept ‘finite’ has no opposing concept. While these mathematical physicists are trying to become dialecticians, they are not dialecticians at all. They don’t understand that the concept ‘finite’ cannot be defined without the concept ‘infinite.’ Since these theorists never bring the concept infinite into their finitudal theory, their theory must be rejected. This Nobel Prize can be called a gift but cannot be called an award.
Giving awards to atheists is a tragic human error because atheism can produce only false theories.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.
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