Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Theological Science,* Today’s Bank Bailouts, and Our Mathematical Physicists

Last Sunday, 60 Minutes revealed some important information for us on the bank bailout that has become law. However, those people who are not trained in mathematics might not have understood this TV information, So, I will explain this TV information in simple terms.

Many mathematical physicists today are atheists. Thus, they view humans as mechanical things rather than spiritual things. So, they reject God and the thingness of God. Accordingly, they argue that God does not exist because they cannot sense God’s phenomena or sense God’s thingness. The concept ‘thingness’ means that ‘object’ and ‘attributes’ exist in every thing.

Believers in God say that all things have permanence’ and ‘change.’ Things are permanence and never change. Thus, my wife, I, and my dog will always exist. Only the attributes of things change. The changing attributes are also called phenomena.

Believers accept God because they conclude that our senses cannot sense the thingness of humans or the thingness of God. However, believers conclude that ‘reason’ is man’s only tools for understanding the thingness of humans and God. Man’s understanding can be increased only by developing rational knowledge of the things we discover in the universe.

Accordingly, two different sciences divide believers and non believers. Non believers promote physical science, which rejects God and treats humans as mechanisms. On the other hand, all believers will eventually use theological science, which s being developed by me. Theological science accepts God and treats humans as Spirits.

According to ‘60 Minutes,’ mathematical physicists sold bankers the idea that our economy and all human mechanisms can be known exactly with mathematics. But if God exists, this idea must be false.

All believers in God must realize that the bank bailout was unnecessary. Unfortunately, many other government-funded human projects are also based only on physical science. One example is the whole medical care system. So, most of the people of the USA are paying more and more taxes unnecessarily as time passes. Further, I say that taxpayers should not expect any benefits from this terrible funding policy of the U.S. government. So, the U.S. government has a very deep and troublesome problem.

* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.


  • At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You spread your diatribe, but didn't explain much. I'm very disappointed in your explanation of the banking bailout. The democrats Barney Frank and Chris Dodd used fannie and Freddie as their personal vote getter by handing out loans to people that could not afford them.

  • At 4:25 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to anonymous,

    Sorry, but I am a teacher and independent voter.

    Further, I did not explain the banking bailout. I merely simplified the '60 Minutes' explanation of the banking bailout for those people who did not understand the poor and atheistic mathematics that the TV program showed

    Don;t you know the difference betweena a person who spreads diatribes and a teacher. This is a teaching website.



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