Theological Science* and Nicholas of Cusa

Had Nicholas not become a major leader in the development of the Italian Renaissance, modern sciences and modern industries would not exist today and we would still be living as people did during the Middle Ages. And had Jasper Hopkins (click) of the University of Minnesota not translated the works of Nicholas for English-speaking nations in the late 1970s, the life of people in the USA would degenerate as a result of false sciences and those religions that teach outdated scriptures about God. With the efforts of Cusa and the English-language translation, the people of many nations can now reject today’s wrong sciences and religious teachings by accepting a newly developing theological science and the single religion that emerges from this new science.
As I said in my last blog, it took me twenty-six years before I could write the book, The First Scientific Proof of God. This book reveals new ways of developing knowledge and discusses the works of Nicholas of Cusa, his precursors and followers, and many personalities beginning with Abraham and his monotheism. This book will shorten the new studies I suggested above.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.
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