Theological Science* and the Presidential Debates, III

For your information, the economic proposals of Barack Obama are consistent with my new science and the real infinity of God. However, the economic proposals of John McCain are in opposition to them. Further, contrary to Pat Robertson’s approval of McCain’s vice-president selection, I say that Palin’s born-again procedure and personal God are also inconsistent with theological science and the infinity of God.
Based on the Obama/Biden consistencies with the new science and the infinity of God, I can see clearer why they will turn the U.S. economy onto the only path that will solve the gun-butter economic problem. No political party has ever solved this economic problem. The most recent attempts to solve this economic problem are found in the thoughts of Presidents Clinton and Nixon. Earlier, President Kennedy made the first major attempt to solve the butter economy with his moon landing program. His program produced an awesome amount of new sciences and technologies that did find their way into domestic use. But these new sciences and technologies were not only for rich people and company owners. They are for all US citizens.
Today, JFKs new technologies are still appearing and are being used successfully to develop the ‘butter economy’ into a perfect economy. But new problems have emerged. First, the development of new physical sciences and new life sciences are no longer appearing. When widely accepted, theological science will solve this problem. A second problem is the national distribution of high technologies. This problem is not being solved because the ‘old producing organizations’ (mostly republicans) do not like new cultures. A few examples of the new national distribution organizations are Amway, Wal-mart, Home Depot, Mary Kay, and RBC.
Obama will help to perfect the national distribution system by making sure that all citizens have health care. With Obama in the White House, I see a big step forward in the perfection of the butter economy. With McCain and Palin, I see a turn toward the Bush economy, which is a return to the gun economy and Middle East wars.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.
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