Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea VI (Stimulating the U.S. Economy)

The stimulation of the U.S. economy by President Obama is proposed in order to form a more perfect Union. This proposal was not only a promise to his voters. Such a proposal is also required in the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution. This proposal thus makes Obama the only President who is following the presidency of Abe Lincoln to perfect the Union.

Yesterday, many republicans, including Senator McCain, indicate that they will reject Obama’s stimulation proposal. Using symbols, the republicans are saying that ‘stimulation’ means ‘government spending.’ Instead of spending, the republicans want government spending to be reduced so that taxes can be lowered. But can a growing Union be perfected if its government is reduced? Here are some reasons why our government in Washington does not work.

Interestingly, republicans say that they follow Abe Lincoln. This saying is clearly false because Lincoln fought to form a more perfect Union by industrializing the South and developing the West with homesteaders. Why do Republican’s make such a false statement?

I have proven God’s existence scientifically twice. These proofs have never been proven to be false. My proofs indicate that all scriptures are man-made and thus do not have the last truths about God. These proofs also indicate that population growth of humanity is normal. So, I reject that republican idea that government must be reduced to form a more perfect Union. In fact, I conclude that this republican idea is inconsistence with God. Further, I conclude the government spending must always grow with the growth of humanity. So, I conclude that the USA should develop and use a private money system. Otherwise, international money will limit the perfections of the Union.


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