Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea VIII (Using Plato’s Negative and the Sword of Jesus Christ)

In yesterday’s blog, I created a new meaning for the symbol ‘socialism’ by using Plato’s negative. Plato’s negative is presented in his Sophist dialogue at 257b. There, he says, 'When we speak of ‘that which is not,’ it seems that we do not mean something contrary to what exists but only something that is different.' These words move our mind out of Aristotle’s 'either/or' logical thinking and into Plato’s 'both/and' dialectical thinking.

So, my new meaning of socialism is achieved merely by transforming Karl Marx’s atheistic socialism into God’s socialism (or social democracy), which becomes part of God’s intelligent design of our world. The meanings of atheistic socialism and social democracy can thus coexist on the same planet.

The coexistence of ideas tells us that God’s intelligent design allows possible ‘developments’ and ‘degenerations’ of man''s behaviors. Foe instance, God’s intelligent design allows the ideology of atheistic socialism to develop into the ideology of social democracy and allows the ideology of social democracy to degenerate into the ideology of atheistic socialism.

When a person uses Plato’s negative, the mind acts like a sword and divides mental ideas into coexisting oppositions. I conclude that Jesus Christ taught this mental activity at Matt. 10:34 where he says, ‘Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.’ I conclude that Jesus Christ used dialectical thinking and was a great communicator.

Just as I divided socialism into a pair of opposites, the founders of the USA negated England’s ungodly arbitrary laws and created a different set of laws. These different laws are opposing laws, if they are godly laws. The founders created such godly laws and presented them in the U.S. Declaration of Independence as ‘Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.’ Thus, I have said again and again that the Declaration of Independence is the highest law in the USA and that the Constitution is the second law of the USA..

Today, atheism divides the people of the USA. However, atheism is a ‘degenerating’ process as I said. Thus, if life does exists after death, an atheist will live forever in a continuous and endless degenerating process whereas non atheists will live forever in a continuous and endless developing process. These two forms of life are separating further and further as time passes. Here is my own meaning of Heaven and Hell. I would not want to live the never ending life of an atheist in Hell.

President Obama and today's Democratic Party are leading Ameticans into the developing process whereas all recent republican presidents, republican congresspersons, and Supreme Court judges do not know where to lead Americans.


  • At 9:21 PM, Blogger Kathi said…


    You have an interesting take on things. You were born the same year as my father (Irish Catholic), and also originate from PA.
    I came across your blog as the result of checking out Suzanne K. Langer's work as listed on I am in the process of finishing a degree program at Goddard, am a 52-year-old musician, reconstituted Catholic, newly singled mom who is trying to find her footing (a knowledge base) in a world that seems to be wacko.

  • At 11:16 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to Kathi,

    Kathi: You have an interesting take on things. You were born the same year as my father (Irish Catholic), and also originate from PA.

    George: I am a very different blogger. So be prepared because I believe in God but do not belong to any religion. I was born in a small town, Pine Grove, near to Harrisburg.

    Kathi: I came across your blog as the result of checking out Suzanne K. Langer's work as listed on I am in the process of finishing a degree program at Goddard, am a 52-year-old musician, reconstituted Catholic, newly singled mom who is trying to find her footing (a knowledge base) in a world that seems to be wacko.

    George: Langer’s work is an excellent choice to begin a new career. Too few people know what she is teaching. Yet she is teaching the philosophy of symbols, which must be understood in order to develop advanced knowledge. Without her work and the laws of physics, the development of knowledge is pure luck.

    You can see where I am at this time by reading my recent dialogue with Q_F in my blogs on Remaking America. Q_F is sharp and works with quantum mechanics.

    Currently I am trying to change the world away from its wacko behavior. Once you get some understanding of my work to Remake America, you can scan my website. I do write on symbolic languages often.

    Thanks for your interest. You made a good find.


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