Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, February 14, 2010

How Can We Prevent Another Civil War in the USA?, XIV

Based on yesterday's blog, it is now clear that the U.S. Government is not securing the moral rights as God gives all humans and as the founders mandated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. However, if one looks beyond the USA, no nation is treating their citizens as God demands in his Intelligent Design of the universe. Although the USA has the right founding documents, the U.S. government has misused both of them to satisfy special interests rather than common people.

These special interest citizens were able to develop their interests only after the Declaration of Independence was judged only to be an authority of war against England. This judgment destroyed the other authority found in the first two paragraphs of the Declaration. This judgment also destroyed Locke's social contract. This social contract defines two parties, a Society (The United States of America) and a Government (of, by, and for 'the People'). This error in judgment opened the ugly system of lobbyists and destroyed the social contract, which was defining the Union as a whole and its two highest parts., Society and Government.

The subject 'whole-forming,' which led to the life sciences (e.g., biology, etc.), seems to begin with Galileo's study of bodies and their parts. Today, three different wholes are considered by philosophers and scientists who believe in God. The first whole has no parts. This whole is found only in God. The second whole has a number of parts that can be counted. These wholes are man-made things such as nations, cars, etc. The third whole is God-made whole. All things created by God for the universe are God-made. Galileo's work was focused on God-made wholes. He found that all God-made wholes have an infinite number of parts. All God-made wholes have an infinite number of indivisible parts. Thus, dissecting frogs in high schools are endless. The 'indivisible' parts of created things are not widely known today.

We cannot build a nation like God created things because the USA has a number of parts (humans) that can be counted. So it is clear that man will never make perfect nations. However, we can make nations that avoid wars and make all people happy. I say that the Declaration of Independence tells us that we must form a more perfect Union --- a mandate in the U.S. Constitution. But how are nations perfected?

We can perfect the USA by noting that the Declaration of Independence has an important concept known as 'independence.' This word means that an active God is Independent and gave every created thing independence. But the independence of a created thing is not absolute. Only God's independence is absolute. Thus, our independence coexists with its contrary, dependence. This means that there are times when a person is very independent and times when a person depends more on other persons.

In summary, a free nation never exists with humans whose freedom are absolute. The people of a free nation always has some independence and some dependence. Here is the true meaning of socialism in any nation. Obviously, the current U.S. economy is not for 'the People' who exist in a Union under God.


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