Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, February 15, 2010

How Can We Prevent Another Civil War in the USA?, XV

In the discussion of the U.S. economy in my last blog, I say that the free market economy is not moral because it causes depressions and distributes U.S. wealth unfairly. My research shows that these depressions and unfair wealth distributions violate the laws of Nature's God, which are found in the Declaration of Independence.

I understood this specific violation of laws only after I realized how the concept 'independence' was given meaning by our founders. I concluded that our founders gave meaning to the concept 'independence' by negating the concept 'dependence.' With negative thinking, their minds used the concept 'not' to create a new concept, not-dependence. When added to our dictionaries, this new concept was entered as 'independence.' With their negative thinking, our founders thus created and unified the concepts 'independence' and 'dependence.' Essentially, they formed a new pair of coexisting opposites. As I said these coexisting opposites give socialism its true meaning.

In Part I of my my book, I discuss coexisting opposites. I call them 'included middle opposites' so that I am able to distinguish coexisting opposites from excluded middle opposites. Included middle opposites form new scientific variables, which opens wider the field of life science. Included middle opposites are also used in the Far East where all coexisting opposites are generalized using the terms 'yin' and 'yang.'

Atheists say that the word 'not' is an imagination and does not exist. My response is that the human mind, not the brain, is able to create symbolic languages and develop concepts such as excluded and included middle opposites. Thus I say that the human mind is not epiphenomena of the brain. Unfortunately, the life sciences are now divided deeply in the USA. Since this division seems not to be known by our politicians, the ranking of leadership in the USA will continue to fall. So, the U.S. government must become active in order to unify all of 'the People' who belong to the Union of the USA.

In my book on 'The First Scientific Proof of God,' I negate 'all finite things' in the universe and reveal an infinite thing. This infinite thing is God. But my negation is being rejected by those godless scientists who are dividing 'the People.'


  • At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Jeremy Boluma said…

    1) You imply that our founders invented the word 'independence'. You are wrong: that word existed long before they used in the Declaration of Independence.

    2) You write: "the human mind is not epiphenomena of the brain". It should be "the human mind is not an epiphenomenon of the brain". Don't use difficult words if you don't know how to handle them.

    Jeremy Boluma

  • At 5:01 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to Jeremy Boluma,

    I do not give credit to our founders as the inventors of the word independence. I only say that they gave the correct meaning to this word. Thomas Paine was the major thinker in his phamphlet on Common Sense in 1775. He saw independence as the only bond that tie and keep us together. So, Paine saw the unity of the concepts 'independence' and 'dependence.'

    Phenomena and phenomenon are not difficult words. I used them the way I understand them and I am sure that you do the same. So, we might only have different understandings about the brain.

    Aside from these two unimportant points, which side are you on?


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