Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How Can We Prevent Another Civil War in the USA?, XIX (The Case of Carole Merzenberger)

In order to prevent another civil war in the USA, the national language of the USA must be protected against a new linguistic force of atheism. This protection is necessary so that our symbolic language can develop properly and serve God and the 'Union' forever. This new linguist force can affect all humans and can change the behavior of all godly Spirits.

This linguistic force of atheism is a physical force. It is thus like the force a hammer produces when it strikes a nail. This linguistic force thus has its origin in the field of physics, after many physical scientists rejected God in the 1970s and sought knowledge about a mechanical theory of the world. Today, atheists follow these ungodly physical scientists and thus assume that all living things have their origin in nonliving things. Accordingly, man's freedom is viewed as an illusion by atheists and physicists. Since a mechanical world theory assumes that all knowledge can be completed, physicists and atheists conclude that 'reality' can be known. Thus, the linguistic force of atheism is thus seeking an exact national language. In a godly world, the development of an exact national language is impossible because the reality of the world can never be known exactly.

I wan to help believers protect God and the national language of the USA. So, I will raise the comments of 'Carole Merzenberger' to my blogging level. She was trying to convince me that my use of words are incorrect. See her comments on the blog dated 2/17/10 and the blog dated 2/22/10. As a free Spirit, I must reject her 'thingless world ' comments. However, if you look at her comments in detail, you will notice that she seeks an exact language. Such a langusge will support only materialism and atheism and will reject God. She calls me a 'crackpot' and even suggested that I seek professional help. These are typical words of an atheist not a friendly scientist.

This blogging example is sufficient proof to say that this linguistic force of atheism is degenerating. If maintained, materialism and atheism will develop a field of poor thought. If our school children are taught materialism and atheism, many children will mature as dummies with no ability to find and hold a job.


  • At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Shaun Herstenboim said…

    Mister Shollenberger,

    I have meticulously read Mrs. Merzenberger's contributions and the only conclusion I can draw is that you are wrong about her.

    First of all, nowhere does she claim to be an atheist. Why do you tell lies?

    Second, she highlighted a mistake you made (you used the plural 'phenomena' where you should have used the singular noun 'phenomenon'). Instead of shamefully admitting to your mistake, you started babbling in an attempt to conceal your ignorance.

    If anyone is a bad example for our young children it is you. I will make sure your dishonesty won't affect them.

    Shaun Herstenboim (chairperson of the President's Education Renewal Committee)

  • At 6:55 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to Shaun Herstenboim,

    Your reading of Merzenberger's contribution was not thorough. In her first comment to me she said, "I agree with the godless scientists."

    How do you conclude that I tell lies? You ask me, "Why do you tell lies?" Do you see a plurality of lies in me? Your question is unclear.

    Second, you say that I made a mistake. I disagree with you and her because I use the most precise symbolic languages as my research in science proceeds.

    Sinve Merzenberger is in agreement with the godless scientists and I am a godly scientist, our symbolic language will become very different as time passes.

    Your charge of dishonesty will be followed up with a letter to President Obama and the President's Education Reneval Committee.


  • At 1:58 AM, Anonymous Shaun Herstenboim said…

    Mister Shollenberger,

    Why the dishonesty? Why do you keep telling lies? In her first post Mrs. Merzenberger didn't write that she agreed with the godless scientists. It was YOU who wrote "I agree with the godless scientists". Look it up in your blog How Can We Prevent Another Civil War in the USA?, XVI. Mrs. Merzenberger merely quoted you on that.

    Since you thought it was her who made that remark you concluded she was an atheist. Now that it has been made clear to you that it was YOU who said it, do you conclude that you yourself are the atheist?

    And no matter which way you look at it and in spite of all your mumbo jumbo about 'symbolic languages', the sentence "Mind is phenomena of the brain" is still not proper English. Like Mrs. Merzenberger tried to explain to you, it is a simple grammar mistake, though quite embarrassing for someone of your age.

    The Education Renewal Committee is currently preparing a set of new schoolbooks which will highlight great thinkers. I will personally see to it that they include a chapter warning the children against the erratic ideas and intellectual dishonesty of your ilk.

    Shaun Herstenboim (chairperson of the President's Education Renewal Committee)

  • At 9:55 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to Shaun Herstenboin,

    In my blog I said," I 'disagree' with the godless scientists." Her quote was wrong. I concluded that her statment was tellimg me that she is an atheist. I am not an atheist. So, if she is not an atheist, she ought to say so.

    If it is correct to say that 'mind is epiphenomenon of the brain', then the atheists are saying that no things exist. Without things, knowledge of the universe becomes impossible.

    I am using correct grammar because my theistic world theory only has different related things. So the grammar depends on whether one is thinking about a godless world theory or about a godly world theory. Thus, iF Mrs. Merzenberger wants to promote her grammar, she must admit that she is an atheist and agrees with godless scientists.

    Based on your charge of my dishonesty, support of atheistic grammar, and your announcement to our children, to save our children I will add a blog on your atheistic and irrational thinking.


  • At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Shaun Herstenboim said…

    George Shollenberger: "In my blog I said," I 'disagree' with the godless scientists."

    You are lying! Look it up. In your blog entry "How Can We Prevent Another Civil War in the USA?, XVI" you wrote: "On the other hand, the godly scientists say that our mind is a thing that self-develops as a Spirit. I AGREE with the godless scientists."

    You can rest assured that your case will be on the agenda for our next meeting. You will hear from us.

    Shaun Herstenboim (chairperson of the President's Education Renewal Committee)

  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to Herstenboin,

    You are right. It is my error because I did not examine the other saying in that blog.

    Say what you want to other people. I made an error. In science, we do not correct other scientists with words such as 'telling lies' and being 'dishonesty.' My experience is that only atheists use such ugly words.

    When you talk to these other people about my dishonesty and my behavior of telling lies, you should also tell tham that grammar will never control the symbolic language of science. The grammar used by atheists about brain is only more evidence that atheism is false.

    I will remove any statement indicating that Mrs. Nerzenberger is an atheist. Tell her that I am very sorry for misinterpreting her.


  • At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Shaun Herstenboim said…

    You - finally! - admitted to one error, but you are still wrong about the other remark Mrs. Merzenberger made. You have until tomorrow 5 pm to trace this mistake and explain it to your readers.

    The problem with you is that you don't read carefully what other people write. From a google search for your name I learned that many, many honest people have been having this very same problem with you ever since you started blogging.

    On the amazon site, for example, you reacted to reviewers of your book in the exact same way as you did with Mrs. Merzenberger. I was particularly appalled by the way you treated Mr. Bask, who incidentally is an eminent member of our committee and a good friend of the president. His review of your book was thorough and lucid, yet you accused him of being an atheistic propagandist.

    Shaun Herstenboim (chairperson of the President's Education Renewal Committee)

  • At 7:27 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response toShaun Herstenboin,

    The only error I mad was interpretating Mrs.' Merzenberger as an atheist. This was an error that could be made by any people. So, I am not unusual as you say.

    My completed story on my new blog.

    The problem that atheists have with me is that they are not open minded. They are in a box and cannot get out.

    Dauby Bask and I have nothing in common.



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