Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, September 26, 2010

God's Actuality: Means That God Had No Cause and that God Is the Origin of All Things in the Universe

The American Cusanus Society (ACS) was founded in 1983 after Dr. Jasper Hopkins published a book on "A Concise Introduction of the Philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa" in 1978 at the University of Minnesota. (click) The ACS is associated with the University of Trier in Germany, the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg, the Catholic University of America, and the Japanese Cusanus Society. Before I published 'The First Scientific Proof of God' in 2006, Gerald Christianson of the Seminary at Gettysburg said that the Society wanted to review my book. I sent it but never heard from the ACS again. Eventually, I concluded that the ACS is associated to the Catholic Church and that the ACS will reject anf books or all thoughts that challenge the Pope, who is just another human being.

Since I believe that all scripture are man-made; that God is panentheistic; that Jesus Christ is not God and man; that the universe had no beginning and has no end; and that Catholic church teachers should not molest children, I can see why the ACS did not review my book. I believe that the translations of the work of Cusa by Dr. Jasper Hopkins are sound. But I do not believe in the teachings of theologians and religious leaders are sound because scientific methods of science can understand God better. For this reason, I believe that scientists should be teachings in synagogues, churches, and mosques.

In this blog, I want to encourage you to study the concepts 'actual' and 'possibility.' These concepts were used by me in my recent blog on We Make Our Lives By Developing our Minds, This Way or That Way. Cusa discusses these concepts in fine detail in his work on De Possest. (click) The De Possest is found in Hopkin's book on 'A Concise Introduction of the Philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa.''

De Possest clarifies the work of St. Paul, which begins at Hopkins translation point (2). Paul's words on this subject is found in the Bible at Rom. 1:20. In this verse, Paul says that the invisibles in God can be seen from the visible things that God made. So, if you identify any thing, you can prove that God exists. The atheists cannot see God because they are perceiving the things God made but are not discriminating actual things from possible things, that is, by not discriminating 'being' from 'not-being.' Being is a thing that exist. But not-being does not exist. See points (5) and (6) to learn that "every existing thing is able to be that which it actually is." Thus, absolute possibility cannot is not able to exist prior to absolute actuality. Accordingly, God has no cause. Created things thus proceed from God's Absolute Actuality and Absolute Possibility. .


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